Six Agencies We Oversee

The Ministry of Information exercises oversight responsibility on six agencies. These agencies are the Information Services Department (ISD), Graphic Communications Group, Ghana News Agency (GNA), Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), The New Times Corporation and The Ghana Publishing Company.

The Information Services Department is the principal public relations outfit of Government. Its primary mandate is to disseminate Government policies, programmes and activities as well as access feedback for policy refinement.

The Department is represented in all the sixteen regions of Ghana and has offices in 229 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the country.

 It has also, three offices in Ghana’s Missions abroad. These are in London (UK), Washington (USA) and New York (USA).


  1. The Department specialises in designing and printing of posters, leaflets and magazines.
  2. It mounts photo exhibitions for Government and other organizations.
  3. It provides public addressing system at state functions.
  4. Provides accreditation for coverage of national celebrations by both local and international media.
  5. It posts public relations officers to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to support their public relations effort.
  6. It conducts research into government programmes.
  7. It promotes Ghana’s international marketing agenda.
  8. It has a 68-seater conference hall facility for both official and commercial purposes

The Graphic Communications Group Company Limited formerly, the West African Graphic Company is the leading and largest state owned newspaper publishing company in Ghana. It was established along with the Sunday Mirror in 1950 by the then Daily Mirror Group in the United Kingdom.


  1. It publishes and distributes the “Daily Graphic” the popular and largest selling newspaper in Ghana. It publishes also, the Graphic Mirror, Graphic Sports, Graphic Business, Graphic Showbiz and the Junior Graphic for its ‘junior readers’.
  2. The GCGCL undertakes commercial printing of paper, eg. calendar, brochure, newsletters
  3. It specialises in the packaging and designing of food materials.
  4. GCGCL undertakes courier services as well.

The Ghana News Agency (GNA) is a news wire whose core mandate is to collect, process and disseminate news about Ghana both within and outside the country. It has offices in ten regions and some district capitals.


  1. The Ghana News Agency essentially is a central news collection agent of the state which gathers news from the various regions and districts in the country.
  2. It conveys Government messages, policies, plans and programmes to the people including those in the remotest areas of the country.
  3. It undertakes advertising services.
  4. GNA’s operations also give a significant voice to the vast majority of citizens in rural areas, thereby promoting good governance and reducing the urban bias of news reportage.

The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is the public broadcaster in Ghana. GBC is fully owned and funded by the Government through direct funding, radio and television commercials and television. It has branches or affiliate stations across the regional capitals.


  1. It operates the famous Ghana Television (GTV) which is broadcast nationwide on analogue terrestrial platform. Additionally, GBC runs five digital channels namely, GTV Sports+ GBC 24, GTV Life, GTV Govern, and Obonu TV.
  2. It runs a training school which provides tuition in radio and TV broadcasting and engineering.
  3. Undertakes production of documentary.
  4. Undertakes publication, designing and printing of flyers, posters, brochures etc.

The New Times Corporation, formerly known as the Guinea Press Limited. It is a state -owned daily newspaper. As general printers, the corporation gathers and disseminates news and information for publication. It publishes six times in a week.


  1. It publishes the Ghanaian Times, Spectator and the GTOnlineUndertakes advertising servicesUndertakes marketing

The Ghana Publishing Company Limited, formerly a corporation was incorporated on March 9, 1965 under Legislative Instrument No. 413, and subsequently amended by L.I. 672 of December 11, 1970 to take over the functions of the former Government Printing Department and the Administration of the Government Free Textbook Schemes.


  1. It prints, publishes and distributes very high quality Books and Stationary to educational institutions, Government departments and agencies as well as the general public at competitive prices.
  2. It undertakes general commercial printing and printing of books and reading materials.
  3. It does publication and Marketing of documents for and on behalf of government, Type setting of manuscripts and proof reading.