Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey

Hon.Minister for Communication and Digitalisation,

Hon. Minister for Information,

Hon. Minister for National Security,

Hon. Members of Parliament present,

Members of the Judiciary,

Secretary- General of the International IDEA,

Excellencies, High Commissioners and Ambassadors/Members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Niimei Naamei, Religious Leaders,

Distinguished Invited Guest,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am deeply honoured to stand before this esteemed gathering, representing not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration but also the unwavering commitment of Ghana to the cause of democracy, peace, and security in our beloved continent.

In the spirit of unity and collaboration, we have come together from diverse backgrounds, professions, and nations, united by a common purpose. Our presence here today reflects our shared dedication to the values of democracy, our collective concern for the challenges posed by disinformation, and our resolute determination to find effective solutions.

Africa has made significant strides in advancing democracy over the years. However, we continue to grapple with various challenges, and one of the most insidious among them is the proliferation of disinformation and misinformation. These forms of information manipulation have the potential to distort the democratic process, undermine electoral integrity, and threaten the peace and security of nations.


In the 21st century, the advent of digital technology and social media platforms has ushered in a new era of connectivity and information dissemination, bringing our citizens closer to the democratic governance processes that define our nations. It has revolutionized the administration of electoral processes, thus, fostering innovation in voter and civic education. Furthermore, it has expanded the scope of information accessible to our citizens, thereby diminishing the control that authorities can exert over information flows. The positive impact of this digital transformation on our societies cannot be overstated.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

However, as we celebrate these advancements, we must acknowledge the stark reality that the same tools and platforms that empower our citizens are being weaponized to undermine the integrity of our democratic processes. Coordinated attacks, driven by disinformation, misinformation, and the distortion of reality, are increasingly being employed as weapons by those who seek to manipulate and subvert the will of the people.

The consequences of a polluted information environment, facilitated by digitalization, are severe and far-reaching. Yet, we must recognize that heavy-handed responses such as internet shutdowns or network throttling of social media represent a grave infringement on fundamental human rights. We must seek more nuanced and rights-based approaches to address this pressing issue.


As we confront this escalating challenge, it is imperative that we proceed with prudence, as we navigate the delicate balance between safeguarding our cherished democratic values and upholding the fundamental human rights that form their bedrock. Vigorous measures like internet shutdowns or severe restrictions on social media usage, while seemingly designed to enhance security, can constitute a grave encroachment upon these fundamental rights. We must firmly resist any temptation to compromise our core democratic principles under the pretext of security.

Ghana, as a dedicated Member State of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), has been unwavering in its commitment to advancing sustainable democracy on a global scale since 2008. As one of the co-Vice Chairs of the Council of Member States for the year 2023, Ghana acknowledges the immense responsibility that accompanies this position. This seminar is being organised as Ghana’s contribution with the primary objective of shedding light on the urgent matter of disinformation and its profound implications for electoral integrity, peace, and security.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Ghana’s democratic journey has been characterised by peaceful transitions of power, robust civic engagement, and a commitment to upholding the principles of free and fair elections. However, as Ghana moves closer to its two critical election cycles, namely; the local and district Assembly elections in December this year, and the General elections in December next year, we must also acknowledge the challenges we face, particularly the looming threat of disinformation.

The timing of this seminar is not coincidental but rather deliberate. It is a proactive step taken by our government to ensure that as we prepare for these crucial electoral processes, we are also equipped to combat the detrimental effects of disinformation. This seminar, therefore, holds great importance for Ghana.

We stand together in our determination to protect the sanctity of our elections, to foster peace and security in Africa, and to ensure that the democratic values we hold dear continue to flourish.


As we embark on this journey of knowledge sharing and collaboration, I urge each of you to bring your expertise, experiences, and innovative ideas to the table. Together, we can forge a path forward that upholds the integrity of our elections, preserves peace and security on our continent, and safeguards the democratic aspirations of our people.

let us remember that the challenges posed by disinformation are not insurmountable. With dedication, unity, and a shared commitment to democratic ideals, we can overcome these challenges and build a future in which Africa’s democratic journey fulfils the economic aspirations of its teeming Youth.  

Thank you, and may our deliberations today lead to impactful and lasting solutions.